
Bluefin tuna from Carloforte


The real tuna that cannot be cut with a breadstick

Fished in the Sardinian tuna traps of Carloforte and Portoscuso and landed at the Carloforte factory where it is worked by hand, as was done centuries ago in compliance with the Pasquale Pastorino method and following the ancient procedure of the Sardinian tuna traps.
The stall is cut across knife-pointed, from the middle of the back to the tip of the ventresca.
It is softer than a tuna steak but not as fatty as a belly.

Handmade as it was done centuries ago in compliance with the Pasquale Pastorino method, following the ancient procedure and perfected by the tuna traps of Sardinia.
Fished in the sardine traps of Carloforte and Portoscuso and landed for the first processing at the Carloforte plant

SKU: Tonno rosso di Carloforte Category:
Additional Information

170g, 350g